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Is LinkedIn Learning free with premium?

Is LinkedIn Learning free with premium?

After posting about my LinkedIn Certification and announcing that I'm going to be teaching some classes on LinkedIn Learning for those who want to earn their own professional certifications, one question keeps coming up over and over again: "How do I sign up?" The answer was pretty simple at first - just go to the website and register an account. But then I started getting emails asking "Well what's your secret to becoming certified?!" Well if there is a secret let me tell you! There are two ways to become certified. One way is by taking a class through LinkedIn Learning. The other way is by taking a course offered directly through LinkedIn itself.

I'll cover both options here but before we dive into them, let's take a look at what exactly these certificates will entitle you to. After all, they aren't cheap so you need to know what you're buying.

Is LinkedIn premium the same as LinkedIn Learning?

LinkedIn Learning is actually a sub-brand/subsidiary of LinkedIn which offers online training courses and exams to help people achieve various goals like job advancement or personal development. These courses can range anywhere between $100-$500 per month depending on the type of exam and whether the course material includes videos or audio lectures. You may also choose to purchase individual lessons separately.

LinkedIn Learning is available worldwide except Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. It has four different packages for students looking to complete their education:

1) Annual Subscription ($99 USD / $119 AUD / £89 GBP / €108 EURO): This package allows users to access all the content available on Linkedln Learning throughout the year without any monthly fees. Users receive unlimited access to all the courses and exercises for 12 months. However, after the period ends, the user must renew his membership every time he wants to continue using the service.

2) Monthly Subscription ($29 USD / $39 AUD / £24 GBP / €30 EURO): If you would rather pay a little more than once a year, this plan grants you access to the courses and materials provided within each 30 days of payment. This means that while you might not be able to use everything immediately upon purchasing the subscription, you should still have enough time before the end of a calendar month to finish up whatever you haven't completed yet.

3) Quarterly Subscription ($49 USD / $59 AUD / £37 GBP / €45 EURO): Similar to the previous option, this package gives you access to the entire library for three months. During this time, however, you won't be allowed to download anything unless you've made a full payment for the next three months.

4) On Demand Access: As the name implies, this option requires you to make payments only when you really need them and you can't use the services until you buy another package. While the prices vary based on the number of hours needed, this program typically costs around $20 per hour.

Of course, if you prefer paying via PayPal instead of having to enter credit card information, you can always opt to use Payoneer. And yes, you can even set up recurring payments through PayPal if you happen to be someone who likes automating things.

If you'd rather check out LinkedIn Learning yourself and see what it has to offer, click here to visit the official site.

Is LinkedIn Learning separate from LinkedIn?

No, not quite. LinkedIn Learning is part of the parent company called LinkedIn which provides business networking platforms and educational resources. To learn more about LinkedIn, read our article explaining why LinkedIn is great for businesses.

You may wonder why anyone needs to invest money in something that already exists on its own platform. For starters, LinkedIn offers several useful features beyond basic social media accounts including career advice, group collaboration tools, video conferencing, etc. Furthermore, many companies provide access to their employees' networks and allow them to search for new jobs.

There are plenty of reasons why you should consider investing in LinkedIn Learning instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a certificate.

Is LinkedIn Learning premium worth it?

That depends entirely on your situation. If you're planning to apply for a particular position, then you definitely shouldn't spend any money on a certification because employers generally don't care about your degree or credentials. Instead, focus on improving your skillset and gaining experience by doing real work.

On the other hand, if you're interested in building a portfolio or simply earning extra income by offering consulting services, a certification such as yours could be helpful. In fact, according to Forbes, LinkedIn Certificates are among the best ways to boost your credibility and improve your chances of landing better positions.

In addition, since LinkedIn Learning is owned by the same company as LinkedIn, you might find that certain benefits are shared across both platforms. For example, you can share notes, updates, and files with others within your network. Plus, LinkedIn Learning offers a variety of marketing opportunities where you can promote your brand and increase visibility.

While these perks sound nice, keep in mind that you won't likely reap such rewards unless you enroll in a few online courses. That said, it doesn't hurt to try anyway!

What does LinkedIn Premium include?

As mentioned above, LinkedIn Learning comes with 4 different pricing plans ranging from $0 to $499. In order to unlock the whole catalog of lessons, you'll obviously have to subscribe to a higher level of service. Here are the main differences between these levels:

Premium Level 1: This plan covers 10 credits for each day you log in, allowing you to view 100% of all the content available.

Premium Level 2: This plan unlocks 20 credits for each day you log in, giving you access to 200%.

Premium Level 3: With this plan, you'll gain access to 50 credits each day, resulting in 250% of the total course inventory.

Premium Level 4: At this level, you'll be given access to 75 credits each day, bringing your usage capacity to 300%.

However, remember that the amount of credits you accumulate isn't permanent. Once you reach the maximum limit, you'll lose access to the remaining unused credits. So if you're currently enrolled in a course that exceeds 150%, you must either cancel it or upgrade to a higher level of service.

Furthermore, unlike a physical classroom setting, you cannot pause the live session once you start watching a lesson. Therefore, you should ensure that you watch it all the way through before moving onto the next task. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing points.

Lastly, note that although you can purchase additional credits individually, you cannot add them to your current subscription unless you cancel it completely. Also, keep in mind that you will need to create an account on LinkedIn Learning regardless of what tier of service you select.

So now that you understand the basics of signing up for LinkedIn Learning, you should probably jump right in and enroll in a couple of classes. Not sure where to begin? Click here to browse through the list of free courses or head straight ahead to the link below to discover how to get started.

LinkedIn has launched its new product - LinkedIn Learning - which will be available to all users as well as businesses who want to learn more about their customers through online training. The company also plans to offer the service at no cost for some time.

There are many people out there who are confused about whether they can use the new platform without paying anything. In fact, if you're an existing user of LinkedIn Premium, then you'll need to pay $10/month even if you don't intend to take any online classes from them. But what exactly is LinkedIn Learning, and how do you enroll yourself into it without spending money on it? Let us look at these questions one by one here.

Is LinkedIn Learning and premium the same?

No. Like we said earlier, if you already have a LinkedIn Premium account, you won't be able to access the new platform unless you upgrade your plan to a higher tier. However, that doesn't mean you can just go ahead and spend money on it without knowing what it offers. You might end up getting scammed because of lack of knowledge. So let's look at everything in detail so you know what LinkedIn Learning does and what it isn't.

The first thing you should understand is that LinkedIn Learning is not the same as the old business-oriented education program called 'Business Accelerator' that was offered before. It is entirely different than both those programs. Here's why:

1) Business Accelerator had a very limited scope when compared to today's version. It focused mostly on developing skills related to sales & marketing while offering only four courses. Now LinkedIn Learning includes over 100 courses covering every aspect of human life. This means you could learn something completely unrelated to your job like cooking, dance, etc., but still would benefit from it.

2) One of the biggest differences between the two platforms is that LinkedIn Learning is entirely web-based whereas Business Accelerator used to run offline. With the latter program, you'd need to attend live sessions taught by experts where you'd interact with other participants. That makes sense since the focus was mainly on skill development. However, now that LinkedIn Learning is totally online, anyone can sign up for a course and practice on his own schedule instead of having to wait until someone else shows up.

3) Another major difference is that LinkedIn Learning doesn't charge anything upfront for signing up. There is absolutely nothing to buy except for your monthly commitment fee ($10 per month). If you decide to cancel after joining, you could always come back later for another class if you feel like doing so.

4) And finally, unlike Business Accelerator, LinkedIn Learning never charged extra fees for certifications. All certificates earned via the platform are valid across multiple devices and platforms including mobile apps.

So while LinkedIn Learning shares certain similarities with Business Accelerator, it is indeed a whole new venture altogether.

What's the difference between LinkedIn and LinkedIn premium?

If you've signed up for LinkedIn Premium, you probably already know what the difference between the two is. We've explained above how LinkedIn Learning differs from the previous iteration of LinkedIn Education. Here's a quick recap:

1) LinkedIn Learning is currently being offered for free to everyone who wants to take advantage of it. While LinkedIn Premium continues to exist, it is not necessary anymore to join it for taking lessons. Instead, LinkedIn Learning will provide enough content for you to earn credits needed for certifications.

2) You'll also notice that LinkedIn Learning uses the word 'courses' instead of 'classes'. Since it is a totally digital experience, you wouldn't really call it a classroom setting. Rather, think of it as self-paced tutorials that allow you to progress at your own pace.

3) When using LinkedIn Learning, you won't find instructors teaching alongside you; rather, you'll follow along step by step and work independently.

Here's what you could expect from each section of a course:

1) Getting Started -- Before you start going through any material, you'll see this message saying "This lesson requires a LinkedIn profile". Even though you may have created a LinkedIn Profile ages ago, you must create one again before proceeding further. Once done, proceed to the next step.

2) Introduction -- After creating a LinkedIn profile, you'll get introduced to the basics of LinkedIn and its features. At the beginning of each chapter, you'll get a brief introduction to the topic covered in that particular chapter.

3) Lessons 1--6 -- These are six chapters that cover topics like connecting with others, building relationships, finding jobs, managing professional profiles, making presentations, and writing articles. Each chapter covers various aspects of LinkedIn and helps you build upon whatever you learned previously in order to become better at networking and communication.

4) Quizzes and Assignments -- After completing all lessons, you'll get a set of assignments and quizzes to test your understanding of concepts discussed throughout the journey. Your scores reflect your mastery of that specific area of study.

5) Certificates -- As soon as you complete your last assignment, you'll receive a certificate of completion for that module. To make sure you get certified correctly, LinkedIn provides detailed instructions on how to pass each quiz and assessment.

6) Online Help Center -- A dedicated help page exists to answer any question you might encounter while working through the platform. Also, if you ever face difficulty while following along with any given lesson, you can always check out the video lectures provided by the instructor.

7) Testimonials -- Throughout the entire course, you'll hear testimonials from successful professionals who took the course themselves. They share their experiences and give advice to fellow learners.

8) FAQs -- Just in case you didn't figure out the answers yet, you can always refer to the frequently asked questions page.

9) Get Certified! -- Finally, once you finish all tasks successfully, you'll automatically qualify to appear for the corresponding exam. Depending on the type of certification, you either need to score 80% or 90%.

And that's it! By the way, if you are considering buying a LinkedIn Premium membership, you can try the 7 day trial right away and cancel anytime within seven days. No strings attached!

What does LinkedIn premium mean?

As mentioned earlier, if you already have a LinkedIn Premium account, you'll need to pay $10/month even if you don't intend to take any online classes from them. Even if you choose to avoid spending money on the new platform, you cannot simply ignore the fact that it exists. So what is LinkedIn premium actually worth? Well, it depends. Some experts say that LinkedIn Premium costs around $20 per year depending on the number of connections you have. On average, the cost of LinkedIn Premium ranges somewhere between $50-$100 per year. For example, if you have 500+ connections, LinkedIn Premium will cost you approximately $200 annually.

But if you don't mind spending $10/month, you don't necessarily have to worry about it too much. Of course, you could easily save hundreds of dollars by avoiding unnecessary subscriptions.

However, if you believe that LinkedIn Premium is important to you, consider trying our free 14-day trial. Then, if you decide to keep it, you can always cancel whenever you wish. It's that simple.

Also, please note that if you cancel your subscription during the trial period, you will lose access to all of the features and benefits associated with your account.

Finally, if you're interested in seeing which companies offer the best deals on LinkedIn Premium, check out our list of the top 10 discounts in 2020.

LinkedIn has become one of the leading job-related social networks by providing career advice to its users. It is also known as an amazing tool to find new opportunities across various industries. However, many times we come across doubts about whether the platform itself offers any value at all, especially when it comes to certifications. The question that arises here is – 'is LinkedIn Learning free?'

This article will help you understand what exactly is LinkedIn learning and give you some tips on how you can use it effectively. We'll discuss the basic features of LinkedIn learning, what's in it for you if you enroll, and which plans would be best suited for your needs. This way, you won't miss out on any valuable information while making important decisions related to your professional life.

Here are some interesting facts about LinkedIn learning.

What are the pros and cons of LinkedIn Learning?


 It provides access to over 200+ courses offered at no cost.

You don’t need to pay anything upfront to start using the service.

The platform allows you to track your progress from day 1.


There is not much content available yet, so make sure you take advantage of the early bird offer before it ends.

Not every course is approved by LinkedIn, so there could be certain restrictions in terms of eligibility.

Is LinkedIn Learning free for everyone?

Yes! You can view the course catalog without paying any fee. To avail the benefits of the program, however, you must sign up for a LinkedIn account.

If you already have a LinkedIn profile, then you can log into your account and explore their educational offerings. If you do not have one, you can create one easily through the website. Once you're done with creating your profile, just click on "Start Course". From now onwards, you can enjoy the services of LinkedIn learning.

What are the different subscriptions for LinkedIn?

As far as LinkedIn learning is concerned, there are two types of subscribers - Premium and Basic subscribers. While both of them share similar features like tracking progress, viewing certificates, etc., they differ significantly in terms of accessibility. For example, Premium members can see more details such as certificate description, who uploaded the course material, videos used, video length, etc. Also, you can ask questions directly from teachers. In addition to these perks, Premium subscribers can earn credits towards future courses.

Basic subscribers cannot see detailed descriptions or other supplementary materials and cannot ask questions. They are only able to review the certificate once and cannot earn credits.

Premium subscription costs $25 per month.

For individuals interested in earning credits, LinkedIn Premium is the better option. Credits allow you to redeem points toward a variety of products including books, software, online courses, live events, and even physical products. There are three ways to earn credits: Courses, Connections & Groups, and Skills & Certificates.

To learn more about each type of credit, check our guide below:

How to Earn Credit Points

Is LinkedIn premium worth it for jobs?

Although LinkedIn Premium membership seems like a good investment for those looking forward to furthering their careers, it doesn't always guarantee success. Here are some reasons why LinkedIn may not work out for you:

Your network size might be too small.

When you apply for a position, recruiters focus first on candidates' profiles rather than their skills. Therefore, if you haven't updated your profile regularly, chances are high that employers wouldn't notice your skill set. Hence, it's essential to keep your profile current with relevant experience and skills.

Employers prefer hiring people with practical knowledge of technology.

Many companies hire experts who are well versed in specific technologies. Since LinkedIn does not provide direct technical training courses, your prospects of getting hired decrease drastically.

Some companies might require you to complete additional exams after completing the course.

As mentioned earlier, there aren't enough resources available right now, but expect to see more options soon. In fact, LinkedIn is working hard to develop its own programs that will cater to users’ needs instead of relying solely on third-party providers.

So, if you feel that you've wasted money on LinkedIn Premium subscription because your skills weren't properly highlighted, consider taking part in our upcoming LinkedIn Skill Test Challenge. With our help, you will receive an A grade in less time. Don't wait anymore - join us today.

And finally, remember that LinkedIn isn't really meant to replace formal education. Rather, it helps you build a portfolio of accomplishments and demonstrate your expertise to prospective employers. So, if you want to land great positions within your industry, put effort into building your personal brand instead of focusing on acquiring credentials. And yes, the latter is possible!

1) Are these courses available for free?

The answer lies in two parts - yes and no.

Yes - You can take any course without paying anything. There's nothing like being charged while learning something valuable!

No - Many people want to learn from their peers who already know what they're doing and how things work. That means you need to pay some money to access those courses.

You might be wondering why there isn't a single course available completely for free. Well, if you go through the website carefully, you will realize that there are quite a few courses which offer limited features on the free version. For example, LinkedIn Premium Account gives you full access to your profile, recommendations, advanced search capabilities, etc., but not all content within each section. Similarly, there are other features such as Groups, Events, Recruitment tools, etc. which are only accessible via Paid plans.

It should be noted that the above mentioned sections do allow free access. So, if you don't mind having less than optimal options, then you can opt for LinkedIn Free Plan. Just keep in mind that after using certain services offered under Free plan, you won't be able to use them again until you upgrade to another level.

How much does LinkedIn charge monthly?

If you've opted for either Basic or Standard subscription, you would see a price listed next to each service. This amount represents the cost associated with a particular feature/service. If you look closely, you'll notice that the prices change depending upon the country where you live.

For example, let us consider the US pricing. A basic account costs $29 per month. In addition, you may avail additional benefits such as 100% uptime guarantee, 15 GB storage space, up to 5GB bandwidth usage, etc. On top of this, you can always make changes to your account settings anytime during the billing period. Another important point worth mentioning is that LinkedIn doesn’t require credit card information to subscribe to



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